Saturday, April 5, 2014


Between orchestrating trainings at work, finals coming up in school (ugh...dread), and the everyday life of a mom and fiancé I have decided I'm taking a little me time this morning. Since I don't particularly enjoy huffing fumes and making small talk with strangers as they caress my fingers and toes, I decided to pamper myself (literally).

Since I've had my son I've become more partial to gel manicures and pedicures versus the original. With a mani or pedi that lasts three weeks in stead of three days, who wouldn't?

I bought everything from the local beauty supply store and, if I did my math right, I should get a minimum of 15 manicures or pedicures out of the $115 in supplies I purchased. Doing the math: let's say I pay $30 per gel mani or pedi, then I'm saving roughly $22 each time I do it myself. And I don't have to pay an upcharge for a French!

Now for the good part: How to do it!

1. Rough your nails up a little bit with a file, push your cuticles back, and rub a little bit of the Cleanser (it's just rubbing alcohol - save yourself the money and grab it from under the sink) with a paper towel onto each nail.
3. Paint on a very thin layer of pH Bond.
4. Apply a thin coat of Foundation Gel and stick those fingers or toes under an LED light for 10 seconds. (I don't use UV lights).
5. Apply a thin layer of Gel Polish and go back under the LED light for 30 seconds. (Repeat this step a couple times until the polish looks good). On the last application I'll add a thin layer or glitter or some rhinestones. If you're wanting some painted fun on your nails, treat the painted decor as it's own layer and cure it in the LED light.
6. Apply the Gel Sealer (gel's Top Coat equivalent), making sure to seal in the edge of your nail, and cure in the LED light for 30 seconds.
7. Apply cuticle oil liberally (this does dry your nails, like acrylics).
8. Grab a glass of wine and a good book. Relax.
Finger Color: Kiss Me, I'm a Prince / Toe Color: Simple Sheer with a pink and silver glitter mixture.

You don't have to walk around flapping your arms up and down trying to dry the paint before something inevitably happens to them. And you don't have to worry about them chipping up for a at least two weeks. (Mine usually last for 3 or 4 weeks).

To Remove:
Rough up your nails with a file (to remove the top coat). Wrap the nail wraps with acetone around your nails for 15 minutes. Push the gel paint off with a cuticle pusher. And reapply you're new paint.

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