Thursday, April 24, 2014


If you ever doubt how creative your child can be, provide them with a bucket and some water. They'll do the rest. 

I'm lucky enough to have a little boy with the most creative personality! I'm astounded by some of his ideas and games that he creates. His new favorite gets us outside and makes all the pollinating insects go absolutely mad: Flower Soup! 

I was designated the Sous Chef, and as the underling I was instructed to find the bucket, hold the hose, and assist in picking the flowers. I have to say my boss was very generous with compliments of how well I was doing! 

The bucket had to be filled with cold water, which luckily the well was able to provide, and lots of flora, grass clippings, and dirt. The kid made certain that the grass was cut and not pulled. Flowers had to be plucked and not torn. Dirt had to be the dirtiest dirt in the yard! 

Here is The Kid's Recipe for Flower Soup:


  • Cold Water from a Hose
  • A 5 gal. Bucket
  • A Plastic Shovel
  • Dirt -- Dirty Dirt
  • Wild Flowers of a Wide Variety

Fill the bucket half way with cold water. Add dirt. Add flowers. Stir. 
Fill the bucket until mommy says "that's enough." Add dirt. Add flowers. Stir. 
Repeat until you lose interest (about 30 minutes) and then start playing with something else.

    One little bug was overly excited about all of the flowers and continually tried to dive in. Luckily for him, the kid was on point and wouldn't let the little guy drown. Later dubbed Flapper, the kid decided he was safer on the other side of the property. We needed a thirty minute break (as stated in the directions above) from slaving over our concoction anyways, so we left the soup to cook as instructed by the head chef.

    The pups needed some love anyways.

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